Olivia DrakeDecember 2, 20101min
John Paoletti, the William R. Kenan Professor of the Humanities emeritus, spoke on “‘Learn My Language: Strategies of Medici Patronage in Renaissance Florence” Nov. 24 at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Paoletti is currently a Macgeorge Fellow at The University of Melbourne. Co-author of Art in Renaissance Italy, a standard text on the subject (now in its third edition), he has also published widely on issues of patronage and on Michelangelo, and is currently completing a book on Michelangelo’s David. He co-edited a benchmark collection of essays – Renaissance Florence: A Social History (Cambridge University Press, 2006/2008) – which Bill…

Olivia DrakeDecember 2, 20101min
Elizabeth McAlister, associate professor of religion, associate professor of African American studies, associate professor of American studies, is a member of the Social Science Research Council’s working group on Spirituality, Political Engagement and Public Life. Comprising both younger and well established scholars representing anthropology, political theory, religious studies, and sociology, the working group plans workshops to further elaborate and articulate the project's overarching goals and key commitments. In addition, McAlister participated in a  conference titled, “States of Devotion: Religion, Neoliberalism and the Politics of the Body in the Americas” conference Nov. 4-5  at The Hemispheric Institute of New York. McAlister…

Olivia DrakeDecember 2, 20101min
Charles Sanislow, assistant professor of psychology, is the co-author of an article titled "Developing constructs for Psychopathology Research: Research Domain Criteria," published as the lead story in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119, pages 631-639 in 2010. His colleagues from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) contributed to the article. The article describes the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC), a new approach to diagnosing mental disorders for research purposes. Sanislow is a member of the NIMH working group that is spearheading this effort.