David PesciMay 18, 20091min
In a New York Times piece examining some of General McChrystal's more austere habits, William Pinch,  professor of history, discusses from a martial perspective McChrystal's habits of sleeping little, eating one meal a day, working out to exhaustion and yet maintaining the energy and focus to run the Afghanistan campaign. Pinch says such methods of "self-denial as...a cultivation of power" are consistent with the warrior ethos of the past.

David PesciMay 18, 20091min
Writing a piece for The Moscow Times, Peter Rutland, Colin and Nancy Campbell Professor in Global Issues and Democratic Thought, professor of government, points out how Japan and Russia are strengthening economic ties, moving forward on a variety of partnerships, and in general acting like long-standing allies. Yet one thorny territorial issue remains that has precluded the countries from signing a peace treaty with each other dating back to the end of World War II.

David PesciMay 7, 20091min
Update 9:40 a.m. 5-7-09 IMPORTANT: This page has moved to a new location-please update your links and bookmarks to point to http://www.wesleyan.edu/newsrel/security/ Update 6:25 a.m. 5-7-09 The suspect in yesterday’s fatal shooting has not been apprehended. Based on the advice of local authorities, Wesleyan instructs all students to remain in their residences. Faculty and staff should not come to their offices unless otherwise instructed. We will be sending information soon in regard to food and other administrative services. Please remain cautious. The police investigation continues, and we remain in contact with them about all developments. We will send information via the usual…

David PesciMay 7, 20091min
A beloved member of our community has been brutally murdered. Our deepest sympathies and condolences go out to the family and friends of Johanna Justin-Jinich. This is a tragic time for them, and for all of us in the Wesleyan community. We are all deeply saddened and shocked by this event. We are working closely with the Middletown Police. Since the suspect in yesterday’s fatal shooting has not been apprehended, Wesleyan has instructed all students to remain inside their residences and to remain vigilant. We have also asked faculty and staff not to come to their offices unless otherwise instructed.…

David PesciMay 6, 20091min
Wesleyan's Emergency Management Website has the most recent updates for the campus community on the H1N1 flu strain, also known as "Swine Flu." The site also has links to pertinent Wesleyan resource sites, as well as state and national sites of note. The Emergency Management site will be updated with new information as appropriate.

David PesciMay 3, 20091min
Students in the multidisciplinary course "Making the Science Documentary” spent the semester learning film production and the framework of science documentaries. The students decided to focus on the nursing profession as their main subject. One of the films made in the course was premiered at the 2009 Nightengale Awards for Excellence, an annual nursing awards banquet in Connecticut. The course is a collaboration between Jacob Bricca, adjunct assistant professor of film studies and Manju Hingorani, associate professor of molecular biology and biochemistry.