David PesciApril 24, 20091min
Melanye Price, assistant professor of government, was a featured guest speaker for the University of Nevada's College of Liberal Arts on April 23. She was broadcast on 88.9 KNPR Nevada Public Radio. In a lecture titled "Dreaming Blackness: Black Nationalism and African-American Public Opinion," Price spoke about ways African-Americans have come to understand Black Nationalism, an ideology important to the Black Power movement of the 1960s.

David PesciApril 23, 20091min
The April 27th New Yorker has a piece that in part profiles Ron Bloom '77 who is one of two "Auto Czars" appointed by President Obama to preside over the restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler as the government attempts to bail-out both companies. Bloom had previous success helping to right U.S. Steel. There is a link to a synopsis of the story here (the full text is subscriber only).

David PesciApril 13, 20091min
Kennedy Odede '12 and Jessica Posner '09 are recipients of a "Projects for Peace Award" for their proposal to build a girls school in the Kenyan slum of Kiberia. The slum was Odede's home growing up and a place where girls and young women routinely become victims of violence, mistreatment, and abuse of all sorts. The students, who received $10,000 to build the school, hope that the institution will provide both a refuge and an opportunity for girls who enroll.