Olivia DrakeMarch 3, 20101min
John Bonin, the Chester D. Hubbard Professor of Economics and Social Science, tutor in the College of Social Studies, is the co-author of "Banking in Transition Countries, Chapter 33 in the Oxford Handbook of Banking. The book is published by Oxford University Press, Oxford U.K., 2010, pages 844–867.

Olivia DrakeMarch 3, 20101min
Hilary Barth, assistant professor of psychology, assistant professor of neuroscience and behavior, and Annie Paladino ’09, are the authors of a new article on children’s numerical thinking, based on data collected by Paladino with support from her Hughes fellowship for research in the life sciences. The article is titled "The development of numerical estimation: Evidence against a representational shift." It will appear in the journal Developmental Science in 2010.