David PesciJuly 14, 20091min
Ann Burke, associate professor of biology, received a three-year, $395,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study the development and evolution of the shoulder girdle using transgenic mice, frog and salamander. She also received a two-year $100,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to use the same amphibian systems (salamander and frog) to develop a model system for understanding body wall defects in humans.The grants will provide funds for a team of researchers at Wesleyan working with Burke on these projects, including a postdoctoral fellow, graduate students and undergraduates.

David PesciJuly 1, 20092min
Joshua Boger ’73, P’06, P’09 has been elected by the Wesleyan University Board of Trustees to serve as its chair, July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2011.  Boger has served on the board for 10 years, previously chairing the Campus Affairs Committee and the Facilities Working Group.  In addition, he has served on the Board’s Finance Committee and chaired the Science Advisory Council of the University.  Boger founded and recently retired as chief executive officer of Vertex Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, Mass. Also elected to leadership positions on the Board of Trustees were Ellen Jewett ’81, who will serve as vice…

David PesciJune 16, 20091min
Ann Burke, associate professor of biology, recently received a three-year, $395,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study the development and evolution of the shoulder girdle using transgenic mice, frog and salamander. The mice will be generated in collaboration with a lab at the University of Michigan and will allow Burke and her associates to turn off Hox genes, which are specific patterning genes, in specific sub populations of the embryonic mesoderm that make the musculoskeletal tissues. Comparing the dynamics of gene expression and cell interactions during the formation of the pectoral region in a variety of embryos…