Olivia DrakeNovember 12, 20091min
Fred Cohan, professor of biology, delivered a presentation titled "Darwin vs. Mayr on the Origin of Bacterial Species," during a Darwin conference, celebrating the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth. The event was held Oct. 29-31 at the University of Chicago. Cohan joined other evolutionary biologists, historians and philosophers who connected their work directly with Darwin. 2009 also marks the 150th anniversary of Darwin's The Origin of Species.

Olivia DrakeNovember 12, 20092min
As part of Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell's "Day of Caring & Compassion," Nov. 6, Wesleyan students and their families helped collect 20,000 pounds of food. "The goal of the statewide food drive was to replenish the state’s food banks and food pantries for the holidays, especially as the number of people seeking food-assistance has increased by over 30 percent from last year," Gov. Rell said in a Nov. 9 Middletown Press article. "I am proud to say that thousands of Connecticut residents and visitors rose to the challenge and showed how much they care about their friends, family and…

Olivia DrakeNovember 12, 20091min
Gary Yohe, the Woodhouse/Sysco Professor of Economics, was quoted in a Nov. 3 New York Times article titled "Obama Administration Weighs Costs of Doing Nothing." The article examined the Obama Administration's inaction on significant climate change measures and how it is "struggling to reach its own conclusion," a stark difference from the President's campaign rhetoric of speedy action on climate change issues. The sticking point appears to be the cost versus benefit calculations or "social costs" of deciding whether to enact specific measures. Yohe says, in part, that the difficulty lies in objectively quantifying these costs. "You can't really quantify…

Corrina KerrNovember 12, 20091min
Joel Pfister's book The Yale Indian: The Education of Henry Roe Cloud was published by Duke University Press in June 2009. Pfister is the chair of the English Department and the Kenan Professor of the Humanities, along with being professor of American studies.

Olivia DrakeNovember 4, 20092min
Majora Carter ’88 delivered the keynote address titled "Green the Ghetto and How Much It Won’t Cost Us" during the 17th Annual Dwight L. Greene Symposium Nov. 7 in Memorial Chapel. Carter is the founder of Sustainable South Bronx and River Heroes, host of Eco-Heroes on Sundance Channel and The Promised Land on National Public Radio. Carter founded and led Sustainable South Bronx from 2001 to 2008, and is currently president of her own economic development consulting group. The well-received presentation was preceded by Wesleyan President Michael Roth's announcement of the College of the Environment. The symposium, held in honor of…

David PesciNovember 2, 20091min
ABC News Reporter Bill Blakemore '65 will deliver a presentation titled "The Psychologies of Global Warming" in Memorial Chapel at 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Blakemore has been reporting on climate change for the last several years. His talk will include "examples displaying different 'psychologies, as well as manmade global warming’s place in the long history of narcissistic insults to humanity itself.'”

David PesciNovember 2, 20091min
Wesleyan President Michael S. Roth reviewed Daniel Goldhagen's Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the the Ongoing Assault on Humanity recently for The San Francisco Chronicle. In the book, Goldhagen attempts to show that  "that genocide is an extension of the politics of 'eliminationism,' which is decisively shaped by political leaders and fueled by profound and widely shared hatred. However, Roth found Goldhagen simple-minded in many of his conclusions and proposed solutions.