All NewsAlumniFacultyIn the MediaAdina Hoffman ’89, Visiting Writer, Wins Prize Kate CarlisleMarch 7, 20131minNonfiction author Hoffman wins major writing prize.CONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaKit Reed’s “The Story Until Now” Reviewed Lauren RubensteinMarch 1, 20131minReview: "Reed demonstrates her ability here to write fiction that reflects its time" but is never datedCONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaFederal Research Chimps Savor Retirement Lauren RubensteinFebruary 20, 20131minLori Gruen paints a picture of life at the Chimp Haven sanctuaryCONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaTreating Schizophrenia’s Lesser-Known Symptoms Lauren RubensteinFebruary 15, 20132minNew psychological therapies can improve patients' cognitive and social skills, change brain activityCONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaThree Million Political Ads Aired in 2012 Election Lauren RubensteinFebruary 14, 20132minWesleyan Media Project analysis finds record ad volume and negativity; evidence of micro-targetingCONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaPresidential Rhetoric is Swimming in Pathos Lauren RubensteinFebruary 13, 20131minLim: Modern presidents put too much stake in applause rendering platitudes when delivering speechesCONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaA History of Marriage Onscreen Lauren RubensteinFebruary 13, 20131minJeanine Basinger discusses her new book along with Wesleyan's many successful film alumniCONTINUE READING
All NewsIn the MediaA Remarkable Journey from Kibera to Wesleyan Lauren RubensteinFebruary 5, 20131minOdede '12 now works to provide education, health care, sanitation in the Kenyan slum where he grew upCONTINUE READING
All NewsIn the MediaNew Collection of Reed’s Short Works Published Lauren RubensteinJanuary 31, 20131minReview: "...her prose is carefully shaped, with the clarity of diamonds. Often dark, but always worth reading"CONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaGruen’s “Last 1,000” Chimps Website Featured Lauren RubensteinJanuary 29, 20131minSite tracks the retirement of research chimps to sanctuary, following NIH announcementCONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaReading Obama’s Rhetoric for Clues on Second Term Lauren RubensteinJanuary 25, 20131minLim: Obama looks to be following FDR's bold example, not Clinton's cautious one, for his second termCONTINUE READING
All NewsFacultyIn the MediaRutland on the Tuareg Separatist Movement in Mali Lauren RubensteinJanuary 24, 20131minIslamist groups have "highjacked the local movement," crushing Tuaregs' hopes for independenceCONTINUE READING