Olivia DrakeOctober 23, 20141min
Wesleyan President Michael Roth recently spoke about "Why Liberal Arts Education Matters" as part of the 92nd Street Y (92Y) American Conversation series. 92Y connects people all over the world through culture, arts, entertainment and conversation. In the Oct. 15 episode, New York Times op-ed columnist Frank Bruni interviews Roth about the contentious debate over the benefits—or drawbacks—of a liberal education. In the interview, Roth, who is author of Beyond the University, Why Liberal Education Matters, makes the case for the great American tradition of humanistic education. Watch a video of the conversation below: Roth also discussed “The Future of Education” at…

Lauren RubensteinOctober 7, 20141min
Professor of Economics Richard Grossman, author of Wrong: Nine Economic Policy Disasters and What We Can Learn to Them, was interviewed on Concord News Radio about policy decisions made in the aftermath of the financial crisis. "The actions that were taken in the wake of the financial crisis, I view as having been completely necessary. If you go back and look at the Great Depression,when the government didn't do enough and the central bank for sure didn't do enough, then you get a sense of how bad things can be," said Grossman. "When you're just a few inches away from financial Armageddon, even if the policy isn't…