Ulysse Cites Vodou Practices in Avatar

Olivia DrakeJanuary 19, 20101min
Gina Ulysse
Gina Ulysse

Gina Ulysse, associate professor of feminist, gender and sexuality studies, associate professor of anthropology, associate professor of African American studies, writes about “Avatar, Voodoo and White Spiritual Redemption” in a Jan. 11 Huffington Post article.

In the article, she writes, “New age spirituality with its purported openness may incorporate some African based religious practices especially from Latin America, but (Haitian) Voodoo remains stigmatized therein especially in interfaith circles. Although a growing number of initiates are whites, few multi-denominational churches dare to acknowledge it. Cultural specificities aside, Vodou shares core features spirits, nature, ceremonies and offerings — with other mystical religions. Avatar is a reminder of the hierarchy within alternative religions.”