Rayna Edwards ’10 presents her research titled “Religious Microaggression towards Muslims in the United States: Group Identity and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Affective Responses. Participants completed a survey prompting them for an experience in which they felt disrespected on the basis of their membership in the Muslim community. Results indicated that anger was felt more intensely than dejection. Edward’s advisor is Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera, assistant professor of psychology.

Olivia DrakeApril 30, 20101min
Rayna Edwards ’10 presents her research titled “Religious Microaggression towards Muslims in the United States: Group Identity and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Affective Responses. Participants completed a survey prompting them for an experience in which they felt disrespected on the basis of their membership in the Muslim community. Results indicated that anger was felt more intensely than dejection. Edward’s advisor is Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera, assistant professor of psychology.