Alex Hartley ’10 presented “You Can’t Teach What You Don’t Know: Examining and Improving Teacher Preparation.” This thesis examines the research on teacher preparation in light of six different ways to define and measure effectiveness, concluding that research tends to emphasize teachers’ attitudes and student cognition (achievement) instead of looking at teachers’ behavior in the classroom or student motivation. Hartley’s advisor is Steven Stemler, assistant professor of psychology.

Olivia DrakeApril 30, 20101min
Alex Hartley ’10 presented “You Can’t Teach What You Don’t Know: Examining and Improving Teacher Preparation.” This thesis examines the research on teacher preparation in light of six different ways to define and measure effectiveness, concluding that research tends to emphasize teachers’ attitudes and student cognition (achievement) instead of looking at teachers’ behavior in the classroom or student motivation. Hartley’s advisor is Steven Stemler, assistant professor of psychology. (Photos by Olivia Bartlett Drake)