Juris ’93 Co-Edits New Collection on Transnational Social Movements

Gabe Rosenberg '16September 16, 20132min

Jeffrey Juris ’93 is the co-editor of the new book Insurgent Encounters: Transnational Activism Ethnography, and the Political (Duke University Press, 2013), a collection of scholarly essays on the dynamics of contemporary, transnational social movements.

With co-editor Alex Khasnabish, assistant professor of sociology and anthropology at Mount Saint Vincent University, Juris structures the collection around themes of emerging subjectivities, discrepant paradigms, transformational knowledges, and subversive technologies. In his contribution to the book, “Spaces of Intentionality: Race, Class, and Horizontality at the US Social Forum,” Juris examines the establishment of an intentional space at the 2007 USSF in Atlanta as a means of confronting tension between a directly democratic organization and racial and class diversity.

Assistant professor of anthropology at Northeastern University, Jarvis focuses his research on globalization, new media, autonomy, violence, and youth cultures. He is the author of Global Democracy and the World Social Forums and Networking Futures: The Movements Against Corporate Globalization. Juris serves on the editorial boards of Social Movement Studies and Resistance Studies magazine, and he is a member of various activist research networks.