Brown Leaving Provost Position, Will Continue Teaching, Research
Posted 02/16/06 |
Brown was recruited six years ago to help Wesleyan achieve its highest academic aspirations as a liberal arts university.
Judith brought extraordinary intelligence and commitment to what is surely one of the most difficult jobs in university administration, says President Doug Bennet. I speak for the trustees and all of us in thanking her for her leadership and celebrating her plan to return to scholarship here at Wesleyan.
Brown, who has not has a sabbatical since 1992, has worked in academic administration for 11 years. She made her announcement during a faculty meeting Feb. 14.
I am ready for a change and for a change of pace, she says. I would like to take a break, to resume some intellectual projects I have neglected, to explore new intellectual horizons, and above all, to take more time to be with and travel with my family, especially with my husband, Shannon, while we are still able to enjoy a healthy, energetic, and active life.
Bennet will appoint another faculty member as interim vice president for academic affairs and will actively consider nominations.
It is of the greatest importance that we sustain the momentum and direction to which Judith has contributed so much, and meet the objectives in the strategic plan, Bennet says. |