Frommer ’88 Talks about Why Smart People Travel

Pauline Frommer ’88, an expert on budget travel, recently talked to Smart Planet about why smart people travel and how traveling abroad can effect diplomacy and the leaders we elect in this country. She recommends travel to China, Europe, and South America.
Frommer is the author of award-winning guidebooks, the host of a radio talk show, and a columnist for MSN Travel and Weight Watchers.
In the Smart Planet interview, Frommer says, “I don’t think you can consider yourself a fully rounded person if you don’t get out of your native area and see what the rest of the world has to offer and see how they differ from us culturally, politically, socially, and what we share in common. Here in the United States we live in a democracy, so it’s our duty to be informed about what is going on in the rest of the world, so we can elect leaders who have the smarts to forward our interests in a sensible way.”