Bloom ’77 Makes List of 2010 Time 100

Ron Bloom ’77 is cited in this year’s issue of Time 100, in which the magazine singles out 100 people who “most affect our world.” His name has been included on the list of “Leaders.” For the Obama administration, Bloom serves as senior adviser for manufacturing policy and has been chief adviser to the Treasury Department on the auto industry.
Time writer Bill Saporito notes: “Would it be fair to say that Ron Bloom has a unionist’s heart and an investment banker’s soul? Or would that insult one or both parties? A Harvard-trained banker who later hired on with the hard-as-nails United Steelworkers, Bloom … is not easy to categorize. But his role in brokering the rescue of General Motors and Chrysler while preserving more than 100,000 jobs demanded a synergist who could work both sides of the equation with authority and respect.”