Student Research Ongoing Over Winter Break (with VIDEOS)

In the Psychology Department’s Cognitive Development Lab, Julia Leonard ’11 is studying “The Effects of Touch on Compliance in Preschool-Aged Children,” and Christian Hoyos ’11 is researching “Children’s Use of Landmarks and Spatial Relations in Understanding Maps.” Both students spent part of their winter break seeking participants for their studies. The students’ advisor is Anna Shusterman, assistant professor of psychology. Shusterman and Hilary Barth, assistant professor of psychology, assistant professor of neuroscience and behavior, are co-directors of the Cognitive Development Lab in Judd Hall. See the video below:
Daniel Primich, a Ph.D candidate in biology, is studying early mammalian development using an embryonic stem cell culture system with Laura Grabel, the Lauren B. Dachs Professor of Science and Society, professor of biology. In this field, researchers need to monitor cell quality and provide essential nutrients on a daily basis. See the video below: