McCulloch ’76 Named Health Care Hero by Oregon Business Association

Andrew McCulloch ’76, president of Kaiser Permanente’s Northwest region, was one of a team of 11 “Health Care Heroes” honored as Statesman of the Year by the Oregon Business Association in 2012. Instead of one “Statesman,” the association decided to recognize pre-eminent contributors to health reform.
Kaiser Permanente is an integrated health care delivery organization combining a nonprofit insurance plan with its own hospitals and clinics. With over 37 hospitals, 17,000 doctors, and a state-of-the-art electronic medical record system, the organization has achieved highly coordinated and personalized patient care while focusing on keeping people healthy and preventing illness. As president of the northwest region, McCulloch oversees the operation of this integrated health care system, encompassing both medical and dental care, and providing services to nearly 500,000 members in Oregon and southwest Washington. Under his leadership, the company has received accolades for clinical quality and patient satisfaction. Prior to joining Kaiser Permanente in 2006, McCulloch was president and CEO of Community Mercy Health Partners in the Dayton/Springfield area of Ohio. He holds a master’s degree in hospital and health care administration from the University of Minnesota. A fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives, he received the Regent’s Award for outstanding contributions to the field of health care administration.
Additionally, McCulloch has hired a Wesleyan summer intern for the past two years and now has formally established an annual Cardinal Internship at KP, with this, the third Wes intern, for summer 2013.
The state of Oregon is currently a leader among states in the effort to transform its health care system, expanding Medicaid through unprecedented care coordination among providers. Oregon received a five-year, $1.9 billion grant from the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, employing many of the same concepts that have guided Kaiser Permanente’s system for decades: focusing on prevention and chronic disease management, and linking care with an electronic medical record. This goal is to improve health outcomes and reduce cost increases.
Learn more in this video.