Lamothe ’80 Named “Health Practitioner of the Year”

Dr. Henri Lamothe ’80, MD, CMSL, received the Dr. Gary Ogden Rural Health Practitioner of the Year from the New York State Association for Rural Health.
As the medical director of 22 emergency medical service (EMS) agencies in Allegany and Cattaraugus counties, Dr. Lamothe ensures that the EMS providers he represents have the skills and training they need to provide emergency medical care.
Paramedic Todd Reisner, general manager of Trans Am Ambulance Service in Olean, N.Y., said of Lamothe, “He’s a very active medical director. He makes himself available to the EMS providers and his vision of a solid EMS system starts with the people who provide the services. He holds volunteer EMS providers to the same standards as the paid providers.”
In a press release, Dr. Lamothe noted that he shares the award with the EMS providers in the counties in which he serves. “We have a great EMS system and this award is a reflection of their hard work as much as anything I do as their medical director,” he said. “Without their support and professionalism, none of this would be possible.”
Lamothe, who majored in chemistry at Wesleyan, earned his medical degree from University of Connecticut School of Medicine in 1986.