Willis Delivers Talks, Poetry Readings, Receives 2 Residencies

Elizabeth Willis, the Shapiro-Silverberg Professor of Creative Writing, professor of English, recently presented several poetry readings and talks. She read poetry at Hobart & William Smith College on Feb. 28; Ithaca College, Feb. 25; Maison de la Poesie, Paris, Jan. 22; the University of Toulouse, Jan. 16; at “Oh Sandy!: A Remembrance,” Industry City in Brooklyn, N.Y on Nov. 10, 2013; and at Naropa University, July 9, 2013.
Willis spoke on “Everybody’s Autodidacticism: American Poetry and the Democratic Ideal” at the Conference on “Modernist Revolutions: Paradigns of the New and Circulations of the Word in American Poetry” at the University of Toulouse Jan. 16-17; and on “Notes on Hell, Fire, and Brimstone” during the Talk on Climate Change Panel at Naropa University, July 2013.
In addition, Willis received the 2013-14 President’s Award from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Alumni Association.
She received a residency at Ithaca College Feb. 24-27 and at the University of Iowa’s Writers’ Workshop next fall.