Backer, Culliton, Quinones Honored with Cardinal Achievement Awards

Scott Backer, associate dean of students, and Rick Culliton, assistant vice president/dean of students, received a Cardinal Achievement Award in October for completing the federally mandated campus crime (Clery) report for the past two years. This special honor comes with a $250 award and reflects the university’s gratitude for those extra efforts.
They completely revised and updated the report from previous years and incorporated additional edits to ensure the data in the report was accurate. This involved collaborating with various offices on campus. They took on this responsibility in the absence of the Public Safety Director who is typically responsible for coordinating the report.

In addition, Maritza “Cookie” Quinones, After School supervisor at the Green Street Arts Center, received a Cardinal Achievement Award in November for her “selfless giving and community-minded approach to assisting families during their experience at the GSAC and beyond,” explained Sara MacSorley, director of the Green Street Arts Center and PIMMS. Quinones makes thoughtful phone calls to parents regarding their children’s progress and behavior in the program. She makes a point to invite and to escort Middletown families to arts and cultural events at the Center for the Arts.
“Cookie tirelessly works to ‘make it happen’ for the community,” MacSorley said.
Award recipients are nominated by department chairs and supervisors. Nominations can be made anytime throughout the year. For more information or to nominate a staff member for the award, visit the Cardinal Achievement Award website.
Recipients will continue to be recognized in News@Wesleyan.
See past Cardinal Achievement Award recipients here.