Class of 2021 Admits Experience ‘All Things Wes’ during WesFest 2017

More than 500 admitted Class of 2021 students and their family members attended WesFest activities on campus, April 12-14.
WesFest is a three-day celebration of all things Wesleyan. The Office of Admission invites all admitted students and their families to visit Wesleyan, experience university life first-hand, and explore the diverse opportunities that a Wesleyan education has to offer.
During WesFest, campus visitors attend classes and academic department open houses; tour campus and academic departments; meet and interact with Wesleyan students; attend a Student Activities Fair; enjoy an all-campus barbecue picnic and live student bands; learn about liberal arts career opportunities and Wesleyan athletic programs; attend student-to-student and parent-to-parent panels; and much more. Luke Wood ’91, president of Beats by Dr. Dre, delivered the WesFest Alumni Keynote Speech on April 13.
Class of 2021 admitted student Mahir Kabir visited Wesleyan with his father, Jahamgim, and brother, Samir. The trio traveled three hours from Long Valley, N.J.
Mahir, who is interested in pursing studies in international relations and business, toured campus and visited the Gordon Career Center to learn about ways to get a job with a liberal arts education. He applied to nine other institutions, but says Wesleyan is one of his top two choices.
“I was here in the fall, but I wanted to come to WesFest and rethink Wesleyan and give it another chance,” he said. “I’ve been impressed so far.”
Like Mahir, admitted student Sydney Carra said Wesleyan is one of her top two choices of the 13 that she applied to. During her time at WesFest, Sydney and her parents, Jill and Nick Carra of Agwam, Mass., attended a biology class, a Residential Life panel, a campus tour, a chemistry experiment demonstration, and the barbecue picnic on Foss Hill.
Sydney is interested in the sciences at Wesleyan and plans to major in chemistry.
“It’s very unique here,” she said. “I really like the small, liberal arts environment.”
Photos of families visiting for WesFest, and WesFest activities are below: (Photos by Olivia Drake and Rebecca Goldfarb Terry ’19)