Tuition, Residential Comprehensive Fees Increase by 4.1 Percent

At its meeting on March 3, the Board of Trustees voted to increase tuition and residential comprehensive fees by 4.1 percent for the 2018-19 year.
Tuition and fees for the 2018–19 year will be $54,614. The residential comprehensive fee for first-year and sophomore students will be $15,060, for juniors and seniors, $17,120. Wesleyan’s percentage increase in student charges aligns with its projected increase in total expenses.
Wesleyan meets the full demonstrated financial need of all admitted students and devotes almost $60 million of its operating budget to support of scholarships. In 2017-18, 42 percent of students are receiving need-based scholarship awards averaging nearly $46,400.
Recent initiatives have eliminated loans for our neediest students and lowered overall student debt to levels far below the national average. Wesleyan is phasing in additional changes to financial aid that will result in higher grants for most students, as well as changes to student contributions, loan policies and other provisions that will benefit students and their families.
Wesleyan’s THIS IS WHY fundraising campaign, which concluded in June 2016 with $482 million raised, saw the creation of 120 new endowed scholarships, and over $227 million in new endowment and annual funding to support financial aid.
Wesleyan continues to offer the three-year BA option, announced in 2012 with the potential to save students about 20 percent on tuition. Since then, Wesleyan has seen a significant increase in the number of students taking advantage of this program.