Wesleyan’s United Way Campaign Surpasses $2M Mark

The 2017-18 Middlesex United Way Wesleyan Employee Campaign brought in more than $100,000 in contributions, pushing Wesleyan’s donations to more than $2 million since 2001.
“This milestone—made possible by your generosity and the efforts of many volunteers across campus—is one we should all be proud of,” said Clifton Watson, director of the Jewett Center for Community Partnerships and United Way campaign coordinator. “Our collective support will help ensure that the remarkably effective programs of the United Way will continue to provide critical services to residents across the region.”
This year, 360 Wesleyan employees, retired faculty, and authorized vendors (including 31 “Leadership Givers” pledging $1,000 or more) participated.
Middlesex United Way is a locally based, volunteer-driven nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening lives, helping people, and improving community conditions in the 15 towns in Middlesex County. United Way partners with local agencies and town organizations to provide these needed services and programs and find solutions to chronic community problems, like substance abuse among youth and the need for affordable, decent housing for low-income families. The organization focuses on education, income, health, and housing.
Funds raised benefit local initiatives and organizations such as Films on Foss, Middletown Youth Services Bureau, Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater, John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency, the Amazing Grace food pantry, Middlesex County Coalition on Housing and Homelessness, Middletown Adult Education, United Way 2-1-1, Gilead Community Services, and MARC: Community Resources, among others.
The 2017-18 campaign was led by Watson and campaign cochairs Makaela Kingsley, director of the Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship, and Octavio Flores, adjunct professor of Spanish.