Wesleyan Athletics Hosts Virtual Marrow Donor Drive

Wesleyan Athletics is hosting its fourth annual “Be The Match” Marrow Donor Drive. This year the drive will be held virtually.
What is Be The Match?
For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers or diseases like leukemia and lymphoma, a cure exists. These patients can receive blood stem cells as a cure. Unfortunately, 70% of patients cannot find a match within their family and therefore look to the Be The Match registry for that life-saving match.
Over the past 25 years, Be The Match has managed the largest and most diverse marrow donor registry in the world (20 million and counting). Our first three Wesleyan drives have added around 500 potential donors to the registry. We have saved one life that we know of and we currently have other pending matches.
To join the Be The Match donor registry, you need to be between the ages of 18 to 44 and in general good health.
Quick Facts:
- Once registered, you remain in the registry until your 61st birthday.
- 1 in 430 are selected as best matches for a patient.
- 80% of donations are a non-surgical automated blood donation (apheresis).
Registration is more convenient than ever. You do not need to make it to the drive.
How to register?
You can register at any time using the Be The Match “Wesleyan” link!
Registering is an easy two-step process!
Step 1: Go to the link: http://join.bethematch.org/WesleyanSaves.
Click “Join the Registry.”
Create account.
Go to the email Be The Match sent to you and click the “click here” hyperlink.
Click on the “click here” hyperlink once again.
Sign in with the username and password you’ve created.
Fill out registration forms (takes between 5–10 minutes).
Step 2: Swab Kit
Once swab kit is received in the mail, follow directions on kit and send back (takes 30 seconds).
Kit comes with pre-stamped envelope (no charge to you!).
Please share this email and the attachments with your contacts who may have interest in joining the registry and potentially saving a life!
With online registration there is no limit to the impact we can make.
For more information, contact Kyle Archer, assistant football coach.