Watch Engage 2020 Speaker Series Recordings

As a lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, the Jewett Center for Community Partnerships is sponsoring an Engage 2020 (E2020) Speaker Series featuring an array of public figures from diverse backgrounds, all with compelling messages about the urgency of this moment, and the power of students and young people to affect change.
Topics for this ongoing series include voter education and registration in battleground states; elections under threat; post-debate conversations with Wesleyan faculty; religion, diversity, and democracy; strategizing politics; discussing the election and staying friendly; young voters; criminal justice and the 2020 elections; and more.
The E2020 Speaker Series is supported by generous contributions from the Wintman Family Lecture Series Fund.
Recordings of past E2020 events are now posted. Watch some below, or click here for more.
Sept. 8, Organizing Communities. Strategizing Politics: From the Arab Spring to Election 2020:
Sept. 10, Good Trouble: A New Generation Engages a New Political Season:
Oct. 22, Religion, Diversity and Democracy: Eboo Patel in Conversation with Michael Roth: