Rutland Writes Of Russia, Politics, COVID-19 in Recent Publications

Peter Rutland, Colin and Nancy Campbell Professor in Global Issues and Democratic Thought, professor of government, has recently authored and co-authored many scholarly articles and book chapters. His research focuses on contemporary Russian politics, the political economy, and nationalism.
His works include:
A chapter titled “Looking back at the Soviet economic experience,” published in 100 Years of Communist Experiments in June 2021.
“Dead souls: Russia’s COVID Calamity,” published in Transitions Online in March 2021.
“Workers Against the Workers’ State,” published by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia in February 2021.
“Poverty, Politics and Pandemic: The Plague and the English Peasant’s Revolt of 1381,” published in History News Network in January 2021.
“Dueling for the Soul of Russia,” published in Transitions Online in January 2021. The article was reprinted by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia in February 2021.
“Transformation of nationalism and diaspora in the digital age,” published in Nations and Nationalism in December 2020.
“Russia’s policy in the ‘frozen conflicts’ of the post-Soviet space,” published in Caucasus Survey, in April 2020.
“Do Black Lives Matter in Russia?,” published in PONARS Eurasia policy memo in July 2020.
“The 2020 oil crash: is Russia still an energy superpower?,” published in PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo in March 2020.
“Learning from the Covid-19 epidemic,” published in Russia in Global Affairs in April 2020.
“Why Are There No Protestants on the Supreme Court?,” published in Public Seminar in October 2020.
“Putin’s Game of Thrones,” published in Transitions Online in September 2020. The article was reprinted by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia that same month.
“Belarus on a Knife’s Edge,” published in Transitions Online in August 2020. The article was reprinted by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia that same month.
“History Matters,” published in Transitions Online in April 2020. The article was reprinted by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia in May 2020.
“Putin, Forever,” published in Transitions Online in March 2020. The article was reprinted by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia that same month.
“How the National Archives’ Notorious Alteration of a Women’s March Photo Is Part of a Long American Tradition,” co-authored with chair of the feminist, gender, and sexuality studies department and associate professor of history Jennifer Tucker. The article was published by Artnet News in January 2020.
“Russian Government Reshuffle: Plus ça Change,” published in Transitions Online in January 2020. The article was reprinted by the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia in February 2020.
Rutland also reviewed the film Quo Vadis, Aida? in Nationalities Papers in April 2021 and authored a chapter titled “Energy and Russian great power post-Crimea” the book Russian and Eurasian Energy Strategy, published in 2021.
“30 years of nation building in the Baltic states,” in Journal of Baltic Studies, scheduled for publication in September 2021.
This fall, Rutland will teach GOVT-218: Nationalism and GOVT-303: War and Society.