Faculty Achievements: Spring 2023

Reinhold Blumel, Charlotte Augusta Ayres Professor of Physics, has recently published three papers in the journal Scientific Reports: “Effects of the coupling of dielectric spherical particles on signatures in infrared microspectroscopy;” “Space-resolved chemical information from infrared extinction spectra“, and “Domes and Semi-Capsules as Model Systems for Infrared Microspectroscopy of Biological Cells.”
David Kuenzel, Associate Professor of Economics, published Non-tariff Measures: What’s Tariffs Got to Do with It? in the February 2023 issue of the Canadian Journal of Economics. The paper systematically examines the empirical link between various tariff measures and the imposition of non-tariff barriers in WTO member countries.
Matthew M. Kurtz, Professor of Psychology, published a piece in Scientific American entitled “Talk Therapies Take On a Vital Role in Treating Schizophrenia,” stating that cognitive-behavioral therapy helps to treat symptoms of schizophrenia for which drugs are ineffective.
Elizabeth McAlister, Professor of Religion, was recently named a Crossroads Research Fellow by Princeton University for her project “Digitizing the art and soul of the Sacred Vodou Temple Na-Ri-Veh 777.
Peter Rutland, Professor of Government, explored in The Conversation whether sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and other countries in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine are having an impact. He also recently edited a special issue of Nationalities Papers on ‘Thirty years of nation-building in the post-soviet states.”
Gary Yohe, Huffington Foundation Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies, Emeritus, co-authored a book of essays entitled Responding to the Climate Threat – Essays on humanity’s greatest challenge, He also recently published a book called Defending Against Climate Risk: Lessons and Stories from a Foot Soldier in the Climate Wars.