Donna Steinback: Customer Service Assistant Answers the Call to All Campus Problems
Q: Donna, how long have you worked at Wesleyan as the department assistant/customer service assistant for Physical Plant?
A: It’s been eight years.
Q: The extension X3400 is one most people on campus are familiar with.
A: This is my number, the direct number for all customer service needs.
Q: Have you had any odd-ball calls?
A: I have to say the funniest call I received was a request asking that we send someone to clean a refrigerator out because she had rotten chicken that was smelling.
Q: Who generally calls in?
A: Everyone calls. Faculty, staff, students and even parents. I wouldn’t say there is any one typical problem.
Q: When someone calls in a problem, say his or her heat isn’t working, what happens next?
A: There is immediate radio contact with the HVAC (heating, ventilating and air condition) foreperson to get the problem fixed.
Q: Are your days mostly routine or is every day different? Are there any busy periods within the academic year?
A: Events and weather play a big factor in what is classified a routine day and determine how many calls I will answer. The busiest times are when the students move in, Homecoming/Family Weekend, Reunion/Commencement, the beginning of holiday break in December and the end of holiday break in January.
Q: When you’re not assisting callers, what is involved with your role as a department assistant?
A: I process several “call before you dig” sheets, events sheets and enter work orders received via e-mail and fax. I also request call-outs and assist fellow co-workers as well as management staff.
Q: What are your thoughts on the remodeled Cady building as an office? Where was your office before?
A: We were formerly at 56 Hamlin Street before coming here. I like the new location, not just the building alone but the interaction that has been created with all Physical Plant personnel. I love what I do and the people that I interact with here.
Q: Tell me about your family and what is your favorite hobby?
A: I am married to Arnold. We have a daughter named Jade and she’s in the sixth grade. She is an honor roll student. She just came back from a leadership conference in Maryland. She also plays soccer and softball. When I’m not supporting my daughter at her games, I like to cook.