David PesciMay 4, 20114min
In this issue we ask "5 Questions" of Jennifer Tucker, associate professor of history, associate professor of science in society, and associate professor feminist, gender and sexuality studies. Q: Professor Tucker, you started off with an undergrad degree in biology but you’re on the History Department's faculty here and specialize in, among other areas, Victorian London and British cultural history. How did your interest evolve in these directions? A: I entered college with a strong interest in history, but I also loved science courses. At Stanford I combined a major in the neurosciences of visual perception and memory with coursework…

David PesciMay 3, 20111min
On Monday, May 9, 7pm in the Hubbard Room of the Russell Library in Middletown , Mary Alice Haddad, assistant professor of government will present "Close to the Epicenter: A Professor's Perspective on Recent Events in Japan," based on her experiences during and just after the earthquake in Japan. Haddad and her family were in Japan during the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear plant explosion while she was carrying out research. Her research and teaching interests concern comparative politics, East Asia, state-society relations, civil society, democracy, and environmental politics. She has received awards from numerous places including the Harvard Academy for…