David PesciNovember 5, 20102min
So much has been written about the recession that befell the country in the late summer of 2008. It was "unprecedented;" it "caught experts by surprise;" "virtually no one saw it coming." After all, a recession triggered by a major segment of the economy that was vulnerable to speculation, occurring during a time of high government deficits, cuts in interest rates, and tax reductions combined with dramatic increases in federal spending? When has that happened before? “Dozens of times, if not more, during the last one hundred and fifty years or so,” says Richard Grossman, professor of economics, economic historian…

David PesciNovember 5, 20102min
Mention “records and documents of a large bureaucracy” and images of stacks of dense paperwork, rows of beige filing cabinets, and perhaps even a slight sensation of suffocation comes to mind. But mention the same phrase to Laura Stark and her pulse steps up a beat as she sees something quite different: buried treasure. “I am interested in the power of bureaucracies and the discretion people within them have to interpret rules,” says Stark, assistant professor of science and society, assistant professor of sociology. “How people who work in big organizations, including government agencies, apply general rules to specific cases…

David PesciNovember 5, 20101min
The Wesleyan Media Project has received a $100,000 grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The Wesleyan Media Project is a non-partisan initiative designed to perform comprehensive tracking and analysis of federal and gubernatorial political advertisements by candidates, parties and special interest groups. It also provides experiential learning for graduate and undergraduate students in the review, coding and analysis of political advertisements. Since its launch in late September 2010, The Wesleyan Media Project (more…)

David PesciNovember 5, 20101min
Erika Franklin Fowler, assistant professor of government, received a $100,000 grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The funds will be used to support The Wesleyan Media Project. More information on this grant is online at: https://newsletter.blogs.wesleyan.edu/2010/11/05/knight-foundation-supports-the-wesleyan-media-project/