David PesciJuly 13, 20102min
This summer, Battleworks returns to Wesleyan with its signature movement vocabulary: arresting, moving, humorous and virtuosic. In April, Robert Battle was named Artistic Director of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, and in 2011 will take the helm of one of this country’s most important and influential cultural institutions. After eight years of touring nationally and internationally at such venues as Dance Theater Workshop, the Joyce, Jacob’s Pillow and the American Dance Festival, Battleworks is required to disband as its artistic director assumes his new post at Ailey. Performing signature works including Takademe, Juba and Ella, Battleworks will perform for…

David PesciJune 28, 20102min
Mary Alice Haddad, assistant professor of government, was named a U.S.-Japan Network Fellow and joined an elite group of 14 other scholars and researchers invited by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation and the Japan Foundation’s Center for Global Partnership (CGP) to join its June Policymakers meeting in Washington, D.C. this month. The meeting is part of an ongoing effort by the Mansfield Foundation to “build and enhance a network of new generation Japan specialists that can bring diverse expertise and perspectives to he U.S.-Japan policymaking process.” The U.S.-Japan Network Fellows also provides an invaluable resource for policymakers in Washington…

David PesciJune 28, 20103min
Every Tuesday night this July is a Cary Grant night at Wesleyan, though he'll be joined by some very attractive company. “Cary Grant and his Leading Ladies” is the title and theme of this year's installment of Wesleyan University's annual Wesleyan Summer Film Series. The free series held at the Goldsmith Family Cinema will feature a classic, fully-restored Cary Grant film each Tuesday night in July, with an introductory talk beginning at 7:30 p.m. The screenings star on Tuesday, July 6, with “To Catch a Thief” featuring Grant and Grace Kelly. On Tuesday, July 13, Connecticut’s own Katherine Hepburn and…

David PesciJune 28, 20101min
Charles Kurose ’10 who graduated in May with a degree in economics, discusses what it is like to go from the very top of one social system – being a college senior – to the very bottom of a new system: the job market and an entry level position, in a June 15 Wall Street Journal article. "The transition from college to the workforce is a watershed in your life, where you leap from the peak of one totem pole to clutch at the bottom of a new one," he writes. "You find yourself in a new setting with new…

David PesciJune 28, 20101min
Ahmed Ismail ’12 is featured in a profile by The Wall Street Journal of St. Benedict’s Preparatory School, a unique all-boys school in Newark, N.J., that focuses on achievement, self-discipline, and an honor code that in part states: “whatever hurts my brother hurts me.” Located in one of the most impoverished neighborhoods in Newark, the school is known for its code of ethics, minority enrollment, outstanding academic programs, and excellence in sports. More than 95 percent of the school’s graduates go on to college.