David PesciJune 16, 20091min
The Boston Red Sox have signed Drew Dominguez '09.Dominguez is the first Wesleyan baseball player signed by a major league team in 44 years. Dominguez was an All NESCAC Player this year and broke the Wesleyan single season hits record this year - a record Dominguez set last year. He will report to the A-level minor league Lowell Spinners after signing.

David PesciJune 16, 20091min
Peter Rutland, Colin and Nancy Campbell Professor in Global Issues and Democratic Thought, professor of government, has an interesting piece in The Moscow Times regarding a strengthening relationship between Brazil, Russia, India and China, or "BRIC." The four countries represent powerful economies and may be reacting to opportunities presented by the recent decline of U.S. and European economic influence.

David PesciJune 11, 20091min
Inside Higher Education has a report on the recently-approved Wesleyan Center for Prison Education program, which will begin this fall and has grant funding for the next two years. The program will feature Wesleyan faculty and students teaching inmates at the Cheshire Correctional Institute, which is a maximum security prison here in Connecticut. Cathy Lechowicz, director of community service and volunteerism and one of the program's advisers, is quoted in the article

David PesciJune 4, 20099min
The Wesleyan University Board of Trustees affirmed the following appointments to the faculty, effective July 1, 2009: Promotion with tenure: Yuriy Kordonskiy, associate professor of theater, was appointed assistant professor at Wesleyan in 2002. Previously he was visiting assistant professor at George Washington University. He has served as head of directing in the Theatermakers program at the O’Neill Theater Center, and was visiting artist at Columbia University in Spring 2007. He teaches acting and directing, and has performed and directed internationally. His recent directed productions include Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, Galin’s Sorry, and Gogol’s The Marriage. He holds an M.S. from…

David PesciJune 3, 20091min
Holing Yip and Kathryn Hanna, with help from Shayna Bauchner '10 and Isaac Maddow-Zimet '09 wrote an OpEd that was published by The Hartford Courant criticizing a proposal by the Obama Administration to completely cut the funding for the "Even Start" program, which provides services to teach disadvantaged adults and children to read. The four students did extensive research on the Even Start program in Middletown and saw the positive effects first-hand.

David PesciMay 22, 20091min
Kennedy Odede '11 grew up in Kibera, Kenya's worst slum, taught himself English and made it to Wesleyan. Now, Odede and Jessica Posner '09 have received a Projects for Peace Grant and is going back to Kibera to build a school for girls. Odede and Posner were also featured on a show on WNPR's "Where We Live" that focused on "Responding to Needs in Africa." Their part starts at roughly the 49 minute mark.

David PesciMay 22, 20092min
Now that the danger has passed, the grief sinks in. There is a reflective mood on the campus, a feeling of pain very intense among those who knew Johanna Justin-Jinich well, and a sense of sorrow felt by the entire Wesleyan family. At the same time, when Sophie and I went to the library on Sunday, it was full of students studying, reading, writing…and simply connecting with one another. The lacrosse team is practicing for the next round of the NCAA tournament, and the musicians are tuning up or just raising their voices in song. Students are turning in exams…