Wesleyan Center for Prison Education Highlighted

Lauren RubensteinJanuary 10, 20131min
Filmmaker visits classes at Cheshire Correctional Institute taught by Wesleyan professors and students

The New Yorker magazine recently featured the Wesleyan Center for Prison Education, a program that offers inmates in Connecticut prisons the opportunity to take college courses taught by Wesleyan faculty, with assistance from Wesleyan students. The story describes a visit by filmmaker Eugene Jarecki to CPE students at Cheshire Correctional Institute. The centerpiece of Jarecki’s film, “The House I Live In,” are the reminisces of Nannie Jeter, Jareckie’s family’s housekeeper when he was growing up. Jeter’s grandson, James Jeter Jr., is a CPE student and had asked Jareckie to visit the prison program. Later, Jareckie screened his film at Wesleyan’s Center for the Arts.