Yohe Elected to Governor’s Climate Committee
Gary Yohe, the Woodhouse/Sysco Professor of Economics, has been appointed to the Adaptation Subcommittee of the Connecticut Governor’s Steering Committee on Climate Change, 2008-2010.
He also has been selected to be a member of the National Research Council Committee on America’s Climate Choices: Panel on Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change, 2008-2011. The panel will host a Climate Summit in DC at the end of March and provide Congress and the Administration a review of the panel’s “Choices” by the end of the year. A synthetic blueprint will then be created by an umbrella panel.
Yohe also helped organize an Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research and Medicine in Washington, DC. It focused on climate change to inform the research agenda of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. In addition, Yohe moderated a session and gave a talk on “Economic Analysis of a Basic and Applied Research Agenda: Strategies for Prioritization” on Jan. 16.