Book artist, fine press printer and publisher Robin Price spoke on "Chance and the Artist's Book (Thank You, John Cage)" March 25 in the Center for the Arts Hall. Her lecture was followed by an opening reception at the Davison Art Center. Price is known for taking artistic risks within the context of the traditional format of the book. Her work embraces chance, serendipity, and randomness, and she thrives on collaboration with a wide range of artists.
Price showed images during her presentation that chronicled her development from an accomplished letterpress printer into an innovative book artist. The exhibition in the Davison Art Center showcases published works and archival materials, special editions and unique books, and solo and collaborative work.Suzy Taraba, University Archivist and head of Special Collections, mentioned that Olin Library is hosting a related exhibition titled "Inspiration and Effect: The Influences and Students of Robin Price" through June 14. (Photos by Stefan Weinberger '10)