Standing, Norman Danner, associate professor of computer science, speaks to students from Bergen Community College about privacy issues in medical records during the 2010 Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) Project Summer Institutes Workshop July 30. The group is developing a mobile application for use by EMS personnel for recording medical data when on calls.
Seated, at left, Trishan de Lanerolle, HFOSS Project manager, looks over a HFOSS project created by Ryan Gee '11 (pictured at left) and Julian Applebaum '13 (pictured at right). Gee and Applebaum created a project called “Dasher,” which is a predictive text-entry system for users with fine motor skill impairments. The Summer Institute, a major component of the HFOSS Program, is a 10-week summer internship during which students work on developing software for well- established free and open-source projects.The HFOSS Project is a NSF-funded collaboration between computer science departments at Wesleyan, Trinity College and Connecticut College. In 2010, Summer Institutes were held at Wesleyan, Trinity College, Connecticut College, Bergen Community College, Mount Holyoke College and Oregon State University. Students and faculty from all six institutes attended the Institutes Workshop, where the students gave presentations and demonstrations of their accomplishments. (Photos by Olivia Drake)