Ann Burke, chair and professor of biology, welcomes students to the Department of Biology open house and information session Feb. 16. Several departments on campus hosted informational luncheons recently to teach students about classes and research opportunities, and to introduce them to faculty members.
Janice Naegele, professor of biology, professor of neuroscience and behavior, speaks to students about her stem cell research. Biology department faculty Stephen Devoto, John Kirn and Barry Chernoff also spoke and welcomed questions from aspiring biology majors.
Andy Szegedy-Maszak, the Jane A. Seney Professor of Greek, professor of classical studies, speaks to students about the Classical Studies Department during an open house luncheon Feb. 17.
Students enjoy their lunch at the Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry open house Feb. 17.
The College of the Environment hosted an open house Feb. 21 in Usdan University Center. Pictured at left, Fred Cohan, professor of biology, professor of environmental studies, spoke about his course, “Global Change and Infectious Diseases” that blends his interests in the origins of bacterial diversity and the environment. Elijah Huge, pictured at right, is an assistant professor of art, assistant professor of environmental studies. Students in his Architecture II course are designing a handicapped-accessible and environmentally-friendly trail in Southbury, Conn.
The College of the Environment provided students with information on the program’s “linked major” and the Environmental Studies Certificate Program. Twenty-seven faculty from 19 different majors and programs on campus are teaching courses in the COE. (Photos by Olivia Drake, Emily Brackman '11 and Cora Lautze ’11)