Sister Marwa Aly lights candles during Wesleyan's 9-11 10th Anniversary Interfaith Prayer Vigil Sept. 9 in Memorial Chapel.
Rev. Joan Cooper Burnett, the University Protestant Chaplain, welcomes Wesleyan students and staff to the service. Pictured in the foreground, Rabbi David Leipziger Teva, University Jewish Chaplain and director of Religious and Spiritual Life, listens to Venerable Lobstang Tenzin of the Chenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Center, lead a prayer. Students could participate in a musical selection, "Let There Be Peace on Earth." The vigil included four musical interludes. Sandy Yudhistira '12, a member of the Wesleyan Muslim community, presents "Surat al Fatiha" (the first chapter of the Qur'an).More than 100 students attended the vigil, which included prayer, music, a moment of silence and reception. The event concluded with a lighting of the candles. (Photos by Olivia Drake)