Jane Eisner '77, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward, spoke on "Spirited debate: God talk on the campaign trail - and beyond," as part of Wesleyan’s Constitution Day Sept. 16.
Eisner became editor of the Forward in June 2008, the first woman to hold the position at the influential Jewish national weekly newspaper. Under her leadership, the Forward has won numerous regional and national awards for its original journalism, in print and online.A student takes notes during the Constitution Day talk. Wesleyan’s observance is part of a nationwide observance the U.S. Department of Education has mandated for all educational programs in all federally funded institutions.Pat Tully, University Librarian, enjoys Eisner's talk. Eisner was Wesleyan's first Koeppel Fellow in Journalism in 2010. The event was sponsored by the Friends of Wesleyan Library.