Psychological Science Headlines Race-Bias Paper by Bar-David ’09

Cynthia RockwellFebruary 20, 20132min
Eyal Bar-David '09
Eyal Bar-David ’09

Eyal Bar-David ’09, Wesleyan psychology major and New York University research assistant in the department of psychology’s Phelps Lab, co-authored a paper asking whether “racial bias affects the way the brain represents information about social groups,” published in the journal Psychological Science.

With co-authors Tobias Brosch from the department of psychology at the University of Geneva and Elizabeth Phelps, director of the Phelps Lab at New York University, Bar-David noted in the abstract that their  “findings suggest that stronger implicit pro-White bias decreases the similarity of neural representations of Black and White faces.” The paper headlined the “This Week in Psychological Science” sent out via e-mail to subscribers on the week of Jan. 15, 2013 and appears on the Pscyhological Science website.

As an undergradute, Bar-David was one of six authors of a paper on “Nonverbal Number Knowledge in Preschool-Age Children,” published in Mind Matters, The Wesleyan Journal of Psychology and in 2009 he was one of the recipients of the Thorndike Award for excellence in psychology

Learn more about Bar-David in this WesConnect piece,