Wesleyan’s spring mid-semester recess began March 7 and several students chose to stay on campus for all, or part of, the 16-day spring break. Classes will resume on March 24.
Chemistry graduate student Daniel Czyzyk, pictured setting up a cobalt column for protein purification, is a seventh-year graduate student who hopes to earn his Ph.D. in May. Czyzyk makes occasional weekend trips home to Scranton, Pa. but he’s spent “all seven spring breaks — and winter, fall and summer breaks — here at Wesleyan.”History and French double major Kelly Toy ’14 returned to campus March 8 to work on her thesis titled “From ‘America’s Queen’ to ‘Lady Macbeth’: The First Lady, Feminism and the Construction of Public Womanhood.” Toy’s advisor is Leah Wright, assistant professor of history, assistant professor of African American studies. “Since I’ve been back, I’ve been working about eight hours a day on my thesis. I have 85 pages done and I still need to write a conclusion.” Student theses are due April 11.
College of Social Studies major Chando Mapoma ’16, pictured here in the Science Library, spent half his spring recess vacationing in Florida, but returned to campus early for spring training. “I have a lot of track practice, but since I’m a CSS major, I’m always trying to catch up and get ahead.”Psychology major Keila Perez ’14 spent three days in New York City before returning to campus to work at the Freeman Athletic Center. Perez has worked at the concession stand for three years. “I worked about 52 hours over the past four days. Since I’m graduating this May, I’m trying to save up so I can buy a car.”Math and English double major Jimmy Nguyen ’15 is spending his mid-semester recess working in Olin Library and reading a book for his Caribbean Writers in the U.S. Diaspora class. “I’m from San Francisco, and traveling 3,000 miles for two weeks seems unreal, so I decided just to stay here,” he said. “I’ve been working, but I’ve also been resting and enjoying the time off.”Chemistry graduate student Yoana Gendzhova, pictured here holding protein gels, is a first-year graduate student who is spending her entire spring break working on research with her advisor, Erika Taylor, assistant professor of chemistry, assistant professor of environmental studies.Psychology graduate student Hiri Jafri is a Middletown resident who spent much of her spring break working in the Student Activities and Leadership Development (SALD) office. She also worked on her thesis titled “Female Falcons: An Exploration of Feminine Honor in South Asian Communities.” Jafri also celebrated her birthday (hence the balloons) on March 18.Molecular biology and biology graduate student Anushi Sharma is a sixth-year graduate student who is researching DNA mismatch repair. She’s hoping to earn her Ph.D. in 2014. “Between lab work and writing my thesis, I’m working about 12 hours a day this break,” she said. Her thesis advisor is Manju Hingorani, professor of molecular biology and biochemistry.