Wesleyan celebrated Earth Month by hosting several sustainability-related events throughout the month of April. Brian Stewart, professor of physics, led his annual “Earth Week Rant” on “The Yin and Yang of Sustainability” on April 24.
Stewart lectured on the connection between energy consumption, pollution, and the human environmental footprint. He discussed the impacts of franking and biofuels.Joop Varekamp, the Harold T. Steans Professor of Earth Science, professor of environmental studies, and Eban Goodstein Pā10, director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, spoke to students on April 8 during a “Sustainability Career Panel” in the Allbritton Center.Working for Intelligent Landscape Design at Wesleyan (WILDWes) planted several trees and shrubs throughout Earth Month.Wesleyan students gathereded in the West College coutyard to celebrate Mama Earth Fest and listen to live music on April 26.Wesleyan hosted the “Climate Justice Conference of Solutions” on April 12. Speakers lectured on the organizing, technological and policy solutions to the climate crisis and explored how taking action on climate can improve social justice, create jobs, grow business and enhance national security. Panelists included, from left, Onte Johnson of the Sierra Club; Selya Price of the Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority; Matt Lesser ’10, a Connecticut State representative; Michael Shank of the Friends Committee on National Legislation; Bill Dornbos of Environment Northeast; and Tom Gaudioso of Common Ground High School Green Jobs Corp.David Foster, executive director of BlueGreen Alliance, spoke to the audience. The event was sponsored by Wesleyan’s Sustainability Office, the College of the Environment, Wesleyan Climate Ambassadors and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the Rockfall Foundation and the U.S. Climate Plan. (Photos by Hannah Norman ’16 and Ryan Heffernan ’16)