Construction, Campus Renovations Ongoing this Summer

Dozens of major maintenance projects are underway this summer at Wesleyan.
According to Roseann Sillasen, project manager for Physical Plant-Facilities, the renovations will affect several buildings on campus.
The Davison Health Center is receiving a window restoration and solarium window replacement. The project includes restoration of existing wood sashes with new insulated glass to match current historic profiles.

Several wood-framed student homes are receiving upgrades. 132 High Street, 84 Home Avenue, 118 Knowles Avenue and 10 Fountain Avenue are receiving kitchen and bathroom renovations, electrical upgrades, interior paint, floor finishes and porch work. The Sign House, at 64 Lawn Avenue is getting new vinyl siding, porch repairs, a new roof, gutters and paint. 148 Church Street is receiving new windows and porch decking. The Gingerbread House at 202 Washington Street and 344, 346, 356 Washington Street are receiving fire sprinkler additions and upgrades.

Roofing repairs and replacements are being conducted at the Freeman Athletic Center-Bacon Field House, Shanklin Laboratory, Hall Atwater, 73 Lawn Avenue, 169 High Street, 42 Miles Avenue and Lowrise 10.
Several classrooms are receiving new furnishings, finishes, lighting and other maintenance. They include Exley Science Center 405, Anthropology 006, Crowell Concert Hall, Art Studio North, Allbritton 004, Judd 116, Romance Language B2, and 41 Wyllys 114. Music Studios 025 and Rehearsal Hall 001 will receive new acoustic doors.
Lighting upgrades also are being made in Bennet Hall, Butterfield Residences A, B and C, Crowell Concert Hall, World Music Hall, Art Studio North, the CFA Hall, Zilkha Gallery, Memorial Chapel, Clark Hall, the Fauver Residences, Foss Hill Residences, Freeman Athletic Center, Exley Science Center, North College, Usdan, the 92 Theater and the parking lot located at 170 Long Lane.
The Memorial Chapel and 92 Theater received a foam insulation application to above the attics to reduce humidity infiltration and provide improved HVAC control and consistency. Contractors are also painting the chapel’s exterior wood sills and clock tower section this summer.

Physical Plant-Facilities also is overseeing the installation of steam and condensate return piping from Olin Library to the Freeman Athletic Center. The route runs along an underground tunnel between Olin and Clark Hall to the intersection of Pine and Church Streets, then through the backyards between Pine and Fountain Avenue, across Fountain, across Warren Street and due south along Warren into Freeman. The run is about 2,000 feet long. In addition, campus is receiving a major electrical loop replacement, ongoing through Aug. 30.

The student organization WILD Wes is working on a permaculture project at the Butterfield Courtyard near Summerfields. Students have installed terraced mulched beds and planted several herbs, flowers and shrubs in the beds. WILD Wes students are also working on weeding and updating the West Co. Courtyard garden. Pavers are planned to be placed in the mulched walkways.