Two visiting faculty members from Wesleyan visited the Green Street Teaching and Learning Center in March to teach AfterSchool Program children about dance.
Allison Orr, the Menakka and Essel Bailey ’66 Distinguished Visiting Scholar in the College of the Environment, conducted a dance workshop on March 7.
In addition to viewing video clips of Orr’s choreographed works where they observed linemen, sanitation workers, and trucks dancing, the children experienced a creative movement workshop with Orr, where they gained a new understanding of the definitions of what constitutes a dance and who can be a dancer.Undergraduates Maria Ma ’17, Laurel Comins-Sporbert ’18 and Steven Fields ’19. assisted with the activity.On March 11, Artist-in-Residence Iddrisu Saaka led a lively afternoon of dance, rhythms and games from his native country of Ghana.Wesleyan students Laurel Comins-Sporbert ’18, Eunice Lee ’19, Amira Suntana ’19 and Will Li ’19 assisted Saaka with the workshop.