More than 140 undergraduate research fellows presented their work at the Wesleyan Summer Research Poster Session July 28 in Exley Science Center and the Science Library.Tristan Ang Tze Heng speaks about his study titled “Quantifying the Heterogeneous Dynamics of a DPPC and Cholesterol Bilayer. Ang’s advisor is Francis Starr, professor of physics, professor of molecular biology and biochemistry, director of the College of Integrative Sciences.
Kylie Moynihan ’17 speaks to Joop Varekamp, the Harold T. Sterns Professor of Earth Science, about her research titled “Testing the Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Model of Franks et. al.” Franks attempted to develop a new method for modeling atmospheric carbon dioxide. Moynihan’s advisor is Dana Royer, chair and professor of earth and environmental sciences, professor of environmental studies.Avi Stein ’17 presents his poster titled “Mapping and Understanding the ‘Pristine’ Tessera Regions of Venus. His advisor is Martha Gilmore, the George I. Seney Professor of Geology, professor of earth and environmental sciences.McNair Fellow Nick Morgan ’17 shares his study titled “Private Prisons: Incentivized to Incarcerate: A Synthetic Control Analysis.” Morgan’s advisor is Yamil Velez, assistant professor of government.Hannah Morales ’17 presents her poster titled “Syntheses of Fluorinated Trehalose Derivatives to Test Their Impact on Protein Stability. Morales’ advisors are Christina Othon, assistant professor of physics, and Erika Taylor, associate professor of chemistry. Hannah Morales ’17 presented her poster titled “Syntheses of Fluorinated Trehalose Derivatives to Test Their Impact on Protein Stability. Morales’ advisors are Christina Othon, assistant professor of physics, and Erika Taylor, associate professor of chemistry.Fanying Chen ’18 speaks to Billy Chan, professor of mathematics about her study titled “Geometry and Intersection Distribution for Curves.” Chen’s advisor is David Constantine, assistant professor of mathematics.Isabella Kent ’19 speaks about her study titled “Seed-Mediated Synthesis of Platinum and Copper Nanoparticles.” Kent’s advisor is Michelle Personick, assistant professor of chemistry.Amy MacQueen, associate professor of molecular biology and biochemistry, speaks to Steven Branan ’17 about his Quanatative Analysis Center study on “Estimating Demand of Online Service.” Branan’s advisor is Chris Hogendorn, associate professor of economics.Om Chatterji ’18 and Will Barr ’18 shared their poster titled “Mutant Testing of Translation Efficiency as Modulated by mRNA Base Pairing to 18S rRNA 530 Loop.” Their advisors were Danny Krizanac, professor of computer science, professor of integrative sciences, and Michael Weir, professor of biology, professor of integrative sciences.Colleen Lynch ’19 talks to her peers about her study titled “Design and Synthesis of an Electrostatically Neutral Tetra-substituted Cyclen Derivative.” Her advisor is T. David Westmoreland, associate professor of chemistry, associate professor of integrative sciences. (Photos by Olivia Drake)