This fall, Wesleyan is holding in-person classes on campus in both indoor and outdoor classroom settings. More than 180 classrooms have been revised in order to achieve a minimum six-foot distance between occupants. Updated floor plans and maximum room capacity are clearly posted in each classroom.
Faculty and students are required to wear face coverings in classrooms at all times. In addition, break times have been expanded to 30 minutes or more to allow for custodians to disinfect all touchable surfaces in each classroom between classes.
(Photos by Olivia Drake)
Mary Alice Haddad, the John E. Andrus Professor of Government and chair of the College of East Asian Studies, teaches her GOVT 296: Japanese Politics course in the Hogwarts classroom, located between the Davison Health Center and the Davison Art Center. The outdoor classroom will safely accommodate up to 40 students.
Similar to the Hogwarts classroom, the Labyrinth classroom seats 40 students and has a portable audio-visual setup. All equipment is stored in an adjacent, temperature-controlled trailer when not in use. The Labyrinth classroom is located behind Skull and Serpent near the Reed Labyrinth.Most seats in the Center for the Arts’s Ring Family Performing Arts Hall are blocked to promote social distancing.A canopy was installed behind Fisk Hall so a patio area could be used for an outdoor teaching and studying space. Similar spaces are located behind the Center for Film Studies, the Davison Art Center, Shapiro Writing Center, and Exley Science Center.The classroom in Exley Science Center room 139 shows how desks are spaced apart.Michael Slowick, associate professor of film studies, teaches FILM 390: The History of Film Sound in the Powell Family Cinema on Sept. 17.The cinema serves as a screening room, lecture hall, and classroom. Students may only sit in open seats, which are spread six feet apart from one another.An ARST: Drawing I class met outside on Sept. 17.Several makeshift classrooms and study areas are located throughout campus.Students study in small groups in Exley Science Center wearing masks.