“Improvisational Forms” Class Performs on Campus

Olivia DrakeMay 13, 20133min

Students enrolled in the “Improvisational Forms” dance course performed May 6 and May 8 at various locations, and on various objects, around campus. The class is designed to explore different approaches to dance improvisation. Students learn to expand movement vocabulary, increase compositional awareness, develop their creative thinking and observational skills, and sharpen their performance presence. The class is taught by Susan Lourie, adjunct professor of dance. (Photos by Olivia Drake)

Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.

Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.


Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.

Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.


Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.


Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.

Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.

Improvisational Forms class tauught by Susan Lourie.

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