Olivia DrakeMarch 25, 20092min
During a "Who Done It? A DNA Investigation," elementary school aged children sported white lab coats and became "detectives" hoping to solve a crime. The students learned about DNA structure by isolating DNA from wheat germ and comparing DNA samples from a 'crime scene' with the DNA from five suspects. They learn how DNA forensics actually works – just like on the television show "CSI." (more…)

Olivia DrakeDecember 2, 20082min
Swedish sweet bread, Greek jam cookies, Iranian walnut puffs and Irish soda bread were just a few tasty treats sold recently to benefit a local food pantry. On Nov. 20, Wesleyan hosted an ethnic bake sale in the Usdan University Center. More than 70 bakers and volunteers contributed to the event, helping to raise almost $1,200 in two and a half hours. All proceeds were given directly to Middletown’s Amazing Grace Food Pantry. "It was so wonderful to see the Wesleyan community come together as one and see what we could do for the community during these tough economic times,"…

Olivia DrakeOctober 20, 20081min
Frank Kuan, director of community relations, received the Community Service Award from the Middlesex County NAACP on Sept. 26. The award was presented during the 23rd Annual NAACP Freedom Fund Awards Dinner at Cross Street AME Zion Church in Middletown. The organization also awarded a business award and education award.

Olivia DrakeOctober 20, 20082min
When Frank, Angela, and their two children are evicted from their New York City apartment, they have no choice but to move into a homeless shelter. After a few difficult months, an apartment becomes available in a nearby housing project. There’s only one catch: Frank needs a job in order to qualify or the apartment will get rented to someone else. While the rest of the city prepares for Christmas, Frank and his 10-year-old stepson, Justin, roam the cold streets of New York trying to find a job by day's end. While this is the story line for the feature…

David PesciSeptember 23, 20081min
Imagine this architectural challenge: create a site-appropriate structure for a former cranberry bog covered with 3 feet of water; use durable and sustainable materials and construction technologies as extensively as possible; work within a budget and; make it optimal for observing Redwing Blackbirds, Scarlet Tanagers, Hooded Mergansers, and the occasional Great Blue Heron. (more…)

Olivia DrakeSeptember 23, 20081min
Students living in Wesleyan's program house, ”Earth House,” want to promote the values of eating fresh, healthy foods in Middletown. They had ideas to create a bulk food education program, an easy nutritional cooking class and help 20 local residents obtain fresh foods in their homes.   During a workshop held Sept. 6, the students turned their ideas into a plan of action. Titled "Global Citizenship: Engaging in Local Social Issues with Global Implications," the day-long event helped Earth House and fellow program houses design realistic programs that could be accomplished during the academic year. (more…)