Olivia DrakeJanuary 16, 20182min
Whether you live in Middletown or elsewhere in the region, commuting to work is often time-consuming, stressful and costly. Setting up a carpool—an arrangement between people to travel together in a single vehicle—is a great way to save money, connect with coworkers and cut your carbon footprint, explains Sustainability Director Jennifer Kleindienst. The Wesleyan Sustainability Office, in conjunction with CT Rides (a service of CT DOT), is hosting an Employee Commuter Event in February for Wesleyan faculty and staff. This will be a chance to meet other faculty and staff who live near you and potentially find a carpool buddy. CT…

Cynthia RockwellSeptember 11, 20173min
What might be most obvious about Tracey Stanley, an administrative assistant in the registrar’s office for 10 years (out of a 20-year total at Wesleyan), is that she is the on-campus go-to “mom” for many students—those she supervises in her office, those who appear at the registrar’s window looking lost, and those she mentors through AFCA, the Administrators and Faculty of Color Association, for which she has served as co-chair. Warm, outspoken, determined and with a strong protective instinct, Stanley also is a union steward. What colleagues might not know is that Stanley is an avid quilter. She began teaching…

Olivia DrakeJune 13, 20172min
On June 12, the Office of Human Resources hosted the third annual Faculty and Staff Ice Cream Social on Andrus Field and the Huss Courtyard. "This event provides us with the opportunity to enjoy a fun afternoon with colleagues and a way for all of us to kick off the summer months," said Julia Hicks, chief human resources officer. In addition to ice cream and sorbet, Wesleyan employees enjoyed popcorn and pretzel snacks, live entertainment with DJ Mario Torres (also a material handler in Physical Plant), raffle prizes, a tie dye t-shirt station, bingo, water balloon toss, volleyball, a block-stacking game,…

Olivia DrakeOctober 18, 20162min
The Office of Human Resources hosted its annual Employee Service Recognition Luncheon Oct. 18 in Beckham Hall. All employees who are celebrating their 20th, 25th, 30th and 35th year working at Wesleyan were honored at the lunch by President Michael Roth. The event concluded with a celebratory cake-cutting and a Wesleyan and world trivia game. Those recognized included: Catherine Race, Psychology Department, 35 years; Simon Bostick, Public Safety, 35 years; Edward Manter, Physical Plant - Facilities, 35 years; Sandra Frimel, Health Services, 30 years; Chuth Prith, Physical Plant - Facilities, 30 years; Dawn Astin Lowe, University Relations, 30 years; and Paul DiSanto, University Relations, 30 years. Also Meg Zocco, University…

Olivia DrakeJuly 6, 20162min
The Office of Human Resources announces the following new hires, transitions and departures for June 2016: Newly hired Andrew Lieberman '13 was hired as a football intern for the Department of Physical Education on June 1. Rosemary Lennox was hired as a program manager for Center for the Arts Initiatives on June 2. Mike Divirgilio was hired as a boiler tender in Physical Plant on June 6. Shannon Skubel was hired as an office assistant in the President’s Office on June 14. Cordel High was hired as a football intern for the Department of Physical Education on June 15. Mike Rosalie was hired…

Olivia DrakeJune 2, 20161min
The Office of Human Resources announces the following hires and departures for May 2016: Newly hired Zijia Guo was hired as prospect research analyst in University Relations on May 2 Philip Huntington was hired as electrician in Physical Plant on May 2 Noah Barth was hired as program manager in the Center for Prison Education on May 4 Amber Jones '09 was hired as psychotherapist in the Counseling Center on May 9 Diane Widger was hired as Peoplesoft analyst programmer on May 18 Scott Shea was hired as assistant director of Wesleyan events and conferences on May 31 Departures Kaiser Aslam,…

Olivia DrakeMay 6, 20161min
The Office of Human Resources reports the following new hires and departures for April 2016: Newly hired Deborah Katz was hired as a marketing director in University Communications on April 1. Anthony DeMarco was hired as a boiler tender in Physical Plant on April 11. Departures Toria Bobbitt, research assistant in biology Joseph Hopkins, boiler tender in Physical Plant Pamela Tatge, director, Center of the Arts Sharon Washburn, administrative assistant, Creative Writing

Olivia DrakeFebruary 1, 20162min
The Office of Human Resources reported the following new hires, transitions and departures for January 2016: Newly hired Robert Jasek was hired as chief information security officer in Information Technology Services on Jan. 1. Aidan Earle was hired as gallery supervisor in the Davison Art Center on Jan. 4. Jenna Starr was hired as assistant director in the Wesleyan fund on Jan. 4. David Malone was hired as HVAC/utility mechanic in Physical Plant on Jan. 4. Sonia Vega was hired as department assistant in Admissions Office on Jan. 4. Olivia Berry was hired as a softball intern in Athletics on…

Olivia DrakeJanuary 19, 20162min
Dan Cherubin has been selected as the Caleb T. Winchester University Librarian at Wesleyan, starting on July 1, 2016. Cherubin has more than 20 years of experience in library and information services, most recently as the Chief Librarian and Associate Dean at Hunter College in New York. At Hunter, Cherubin was responsible for overseeing four libraries and had major roles in facility and space planning, implementation of technology, and the development of a strategic plan for the policies and practices of the library. At Wesleyan he will work with the library staff to develop a strategic plan to integrate the…

Olivia DrakeJanuary 13, 20161min
The Office of Human Resources reported the following new hires and departures for December 2015: Newly hired Colin Desjardins was hires as HVAC/utility mechanic in Physical Plant on Dec. 7. Janet Desmarais was hired as administrative assistant in the Physics Department on Dec. 10. Transitions Chris Wojick was hired as data analyst in the Office of University Relations on Dec. 1. Departures Gail Binezewski, custodian in Physical Plant. Randolph Alan Bougor, carpentry shop foreperson in Physical Plant. Ralph Connolly, plumber in Physical Plant. Peter Filanda, a/c refrigeration journeyman in Physical Plant. Camille Martin, administrative assistant in Mellon Mays/AFAM. David Pompei, Central Power…

Laurie KenneyNovember 30, 20151min
The Office of Human Resources reported the following new hires and departures for November 2015: Newly hired Terry Emmons was hired as accounting specialist in chemistry on Nov. 2 Celestine Schwenneker was hired as administrative assistant in university relations on Nov. 2 Martha Crebbin was hired as administrative assistant in the college of social studies on Nov. 30 Transitions Renee Johnson-Thornton was hired as the Dean for the Class of 2018 on Nov. 16 Departures Nicholas Vennochi, sports information intern in communications.