Olivia DrakeMay 1, 20121min
A new book by Lisa Cohen, assistant professor of English, was given an enthusiastic early review in The New Yorker’s book blog on March 12. Her book, All We Know, will be published in July 2012. "Cohen’s remarkable, sui generis study about three modernist figures—Esther Murphy, Mercedes de Acosta, and Madge Garland, for many years a fashion editor at British Vogue—is, in part, about dread, which is to say failure and fear of self-exposure, and how we accommodate our lives to suit the various shadows splashed by the sun of occasional triumph... By servicing Murphy and, in the book’s shattering final section about Madge Garland,…

Lauren RubensteinApril 17, 20122min
Richard Adelstein, the Woodhouse/Sysco Professor of Economics, is the author of The Rise of Planning in Industrial America, 1865-1914, published by Routledge in March 2012. In the book, Adelstein explores the remarkable transformation undergone by business in the U.S. over the half-century following the Civil War—from small sole proprietorships and proprietorships to massive corporations possessing many of the same constitutional rights as living men and women. Approaching this story through historical, philosophical, legal and economic lenses, Adelstein presents an original, three-pronged theory of the rise of business firms. He traces the big business boom to three historic developments: a major managerial…

Olivia DrakeMarch 26, 20123min
Dana Royer and Ellen Thomas are among the 21 authors of a review paper, "The Geological Record of Ocean Acidification," published in Science, March 2012: Vol. 335, no. 6072, pages 1058-1063. In the paper, the authors review events exhibiting evidence for elevated atmospheric CO2, global warming, and ocean acidification over the past 300 million years of Earth’s history, some with contemporaneous extinction or evolutionary turnover among marine calcifiers. Ocean acidification may have severe consequences for marine ecosystems; however, assessing its future impact is difficult because laboratory experiments and field observations are limited by their reduced ecologic complexity and sample period, respectively. Royer is…

Olivia DrakeMarch 26, 20123min
A research group led by Manju Hingorani, associate professor of molecular biology and biochemistry, has published eight papers in 2011-2012 on the mechanisms of DNA replication and repair proteins, independently and in collaboration with research groups at Wesleyan and other national and international universities. The papers are: "Large conformational changes in MutS during DNA scanning, mismatch recognition and repair signaling," published in The EMBO Journal, 2012 (in press). "The Variable Sub-domain of Escherichia coli SecA functions to regulate in the SecA ATPase Activity and ADP release," published in the Journal of Bacteriology, 2012 (March 2 Epub). Don Oliver, the Daniel Ayres Professor of…

Lauren RubensteinMarch 26, 20123min
Lisa Dierker, chair and professor of psychology, Jennifer Rose, research associate professor of psychology and two postdoctoral fellows, together with researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago, are the co-authors of two new papers examining nicotine dependence in teen smokers. “The Natural Course of Nicotine Dependence Symptoms Among Adolescent Smokers,” was published March 15 in the peer-reviewed journal, Nicotine & Tobacco Research. Wesleyan Postdoctoral Fellows Weihai Zhan and Arielle Selya contributed to the paper. The researchers followed novice adolescent smokers, as well as those who had never smoked before, for four years. They found that, before smoking 100 cigarettes, 20 percent reported…

Olivia DrakeMarch 26, 20121min
Bill Herbst, the John Monroe Van Vleck Professor of Astronomy, chair of the Astronomy Department, is the author of "Infrared Variability of Evolved Protoplanetary Disks: Evidence for Scale Height Variations in the Inner Disk," published in The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 748, Issue 1, article id. 71, 2012. Roy Kilgard, research assistant professor of astronomy, is the author of "Chandra Observations of the Collisional Ring Galaxy NGC 922," published in The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 747, Issue 2, article id. 150, 2012.

Olivia DrakeMarch 6, 20123min
Professor Ellen Nerenberg, chairperson of the Romance Languages and Literatures Department, recently published a new book, Body of State: The Moro Affair, A Nation Divided. It offers a translation of Marco Baliani's acclaimed dramatic monologue, Corpo di Stato, concerning the 1978 kidnapping and assassination of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by the terrorist Red Brigades. Nerenberg authored the translation along with Nicoletta Marini-Maio and Thomas Simpson. She also co-wrote a critical introduction to the book, with Marini-Maio. Corpo di Stato was commissioned by Italian state television in 1998 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the "Moro Affair." Through over 100 performances of Baliani's monologue since…

Olivia DrakeFebruary 13, 20121min
Ruth Striegel, the Walter A. Crowell University Professor of the Social Sciences, professor of psychology, is the co-author of  Developing an Evidence-Based Classification of Eating Disorders: Scientific Findings for DSM 5, published by the American Psychiatric Association Press in 2011. The culmination of several years of collaborative effort among eating disorders investigators from around the world, this volume provides summaries of the research presentations and discussions of the conceptual and methodological issues involved in diagnosing and classifying eating disorders. The mission of the DSM-5 Eating Disorder Work Group was to improve the clinical utility of eating disorder diagnoses by recommending revisions based…

David LowFebruary 13, 20122min
Nadja Aksamija, assistant professor of art history, is the co-author of the book, La Sala Bologna nei Palazzi Vaticani: Architettura, cartografia e potere nell’età di Gregorio XIIIpublished by Marsilio Editori, 2011. The Sala Bologna is one of the most inaccessible and fascinating spaces in the Vatican Palace, located between the Pope’s private apartments and the Secretariat of the Vatican State. Originally used for ceremonial purposes, it was built and decorated for the Jubilee of 1575 for the Bolognese pope Gregory XIII, Ugo Boncompagni, and precedes by five years the more famous Gallery of Maps in the Vatican Belvedere. It was conceived…

David LowFebruary 13, 20122min
F.D. Reeve, professor of letters, emeritus, is the author of Nathaniel Purple, published by Voyage in 2012. A feud, a fire, an affair. Cows in the pasture, men at the lunch counter, violets in an old cream bottle. This is Vermont—passionate, pastoral, pungent, which forms a rich, vivid canvas for an intimate portrayal of village life. But human nature is a bit out of joint. Years of living on the “bony” land has led the village people to jealousies and forbidden couplings. Reeve draws us into his world through the sharp eyes of Nathaniel Purple, who, as the town’s librarian,…

Olivia DrakeAugust 24, 20111min
A chapter written by Ákos Östör, professor of anthropology, emeritus, is featured in the Flavours of the Arts: 
From Mughal India to Bollywood exhibition catalog for Geneva's Musée d'ethnographie. This pertinently illustrated book focuses on the close relationship between music, painting and film in northern India. His chapter is titled, "Living with Pictures. Study, Film and Life in Naya (West Bengal)."

Olivia DrakeAugust 24, 20112min
Papers, articles and book chapters by Fred Cohan, professor of biology, are published in several publications including: "Community ecology of hot spring cyanobacterial mats: predominant populations and their functional potential," published in ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, 2011; "Influence of molecular resolution on sequence-based discovery of ecological diversity among Synechococcus populations in an alkaline siliceous hot spring microbial mat," published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77:1359-1367, 2011; "Are species cohesive?—A view from bacteriology," published in Bacterial Population Genetics: A Tribute to Thomas S. Whittam, American Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, pages 43-65, 2011; "Species," a chapter published in…